In writing for clients about topics relating to blockchain tech and cryptocurrency in general, I've learned a great deal. Not just about the technology, but about human nature. The reason lies in the fact that my job involves doing objective research. This research sheds light on a subject that should not be controversial in the slightest. Yet somehow, a great many people parrot the negativity found in the press.
They do so despite a total lack of knowledge regarding the subject matter of which they speak. And they tend to feel justified and superior in this even when their statements or questions demonstrate such ignorance beyond a shadow of a doubt. Knowledge means nothing. In today's world, and perhaps throughout history, feelings control our perceptions.
Media influences our perceptions. And our perceptions often lead to opinions based on nothing more than a feeling, suggestion, or general sense of something. This wouldn't be such a big deal if those opinions didn't affect our choices. Those choices, influenced by such an emotional process, add up to a collective almost incapable of change.
An absentmindedness of epic proportions
The lack of critical thought being demonstrated is as astonishing as it is alarming. It's no wonder why society as a whole finds itself mired in so many crises and divisions.
Not all of the blame can be placed upon incompetent or corrupt leaders. We the people must shoulder much of the responsibility for our unwillingness to investigate for ourselves, develop informed opinions, and make independent choices.
With such a susceptibility to subliminal influence by outside forces, there exists little hope for progress. Human beings are not rational creatures. We are emotional beings. Our instinct is to use our powers of reason to either rationalize inescapable emotions or to create a reality that avoids unwanted ones. It is a rare individual who chooses to investigate matters on their own absent any pre-conceived notions.
Such people are those who were early adopters of different blockchain-based technologies, whether they be cryptographic coins or other features of platforms too extensive to list. These trail-blazers now have to cope with increasing ridicule from those who do not care to educate themselves on a subject that is, in fact, rather simple.
Even those with little to no technical background can understand the basics with ease. Yet it appears most would rather not. It's easier to believe what feels right or what we first hear. Even when we don't know how we got that feeling in the first place. Even if it has no basis in reality. Even if it is to the detriment of society as a whole.
The dreaded and evil B word
Back to bitcoin (I hesitate to even use the word). Somehow the entire subject of anything related to blockchain technology has become so shrouded in senseless controversy that it's hard to even speak of it. I've learned to avoid mentioning what it is I most often write about, what my main specialty is, whenever possible.
Somehow, those uninformed on the subject seem to despise bitcoin for reasons they can't explain or understand. It's a bubble, it's fake news, a scam, a nothing-burger, it's dead, it's like a magical rainbow with no pot of gold at the end. Is this just a random occurrence? Is it a coincidence that the exact same tone of the average press article about bitcoin gets parroted by the average person who has no idea what they're talking about?
Bitcoin bashing has become mainstream
Upon examining most press pieces on the subject, it becomes clear early on that the vast majority use nothing more than hollow rhetoric to make their ridiculous points. The same tired arguments have been raised again and again for years.
Rather than get into specifics, simply refer to the website Also, see my article entitled "Bitcoin has died 235 times over the last nine years" (the number has now risen to over 245, just days after that article was first published).
The ease with which the average person is influenced by fleeting thoughts and momentary suggestions is not my only concern. As I mention in that article, the short attention span demonstrated by these downright delusional criticisms ought to worry all of us.
A certain cycle has been repeated dozens of times over the past four to five years. In a society full of independent thinkers, the cycles would be recognized at some point and opinions would alter to better align with reality.
Yet the exact opposite has been happening. With each asylum-resembling repetition, the chorus of weird and ludicrous criticisms grows even stronger. The definition of insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result each time. In a very real and literal sense, this is what critics of cryptocurrency have been demonstrating by repeating the same unfounded points over and over again.
This is not an emotionally charged rant (e.g., a bitcoin criticism). This is an observation. All one needs to do in order to discern this insanity is to comb through online articles and social media posts (both past and present). The FUD forms some kind of a suffocating smog.
Fortunately, I spend most of my time reading white papers, lesser-known articles written by developers, and transcriptions of interviews with programmers or experts in the industry. The difference between the two can only be likened to parallel universes - there can be no comparison to speak of. Upon living in the calmer, more rational dimension for some time, one thing becomes clear.
A brighter future in the blockchain
Blockchain technology has the potential to radically transform our whole entire world for the better and has already begun to do so.
As John Mcafee has asserted, the invention of the blockchain rivals that of the invention of agriculture in terms of its widespread impact upon human civilization. More individual power and liberty, less fraud and crime, additional financial prosperity and security, and countless other untold benefits lie waiting in the untilled pasture of blockchains galore.
Yet ignorance holds back progress as it always has.
Just as blockchain has been exploding toward mass adoption, those with vested interests in the status quo have managed to exercise their influence on the minds of the masses. Banks and large corporations (like those who control corporate Western media) know that they have become obsolete and irrelevant.
Their time is done. Their days are numbered and their goose is cooked. This manipulation of public perception represents a last-ditch effort to bide their time. It is little more than the blood-curdled cry and final futile lashings of a dying wild animal.
Everything we have ever known is about to get better. Human beings lie on the cusp of the most dramatic peaceful revolution in the history of our existence. For the first time, we will soon be free of all centralized authorities and their intrinsic corruption, control, and oppression.
You can do something to help bring this future closer to the present. Think about what you're saying about bitcoin and blockchain before you say it. Know the reasons you feel how you do, and ask yourself, am I justified in this, or am I just repeating something I've heard somewhere? Investigate. Do your own research. Use your own reason and not someone else's. Last but not least, buy bitcoin and other cryptos and use them to buy something.
Find out how #Blockchain's cryptographically secure ledger #technology can give you a competitive boost. Watch now:— Microsoft Azure (@Azure) January 30, 2018